As most of you already know, I'm a devoted metalhead. I live for the absolute chaos and mindf**kery that is accompanied by metal. Why? Because it's the only genre in existence that can stretch my mind further other than shrink it. Whenever I hear a Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga,Whatever song on the radio and your close to me, you might hear me screaming "WTF IS THIS SH*T" in a very macho way, like Leonidas screaming "THIS IS SPARTA!' Before sending the Persian messenger back to Hell.
Recently I didn't have much time to listen to my musical passion because of being swamped by schoolwork and problems. Whenever I watch Mnet Series there is always a Soundcheck between episodes. Usually it's the f**king people I've mentioned above (Which I will now be calling Twats). This went on for a few weeks and I've came to the realization that I've literally become dumber. I'm not making this sh*t up. My writing skills which were top notch became noticeably bad, my spelling suffered and I've had issues remembering stuff.
I also became really apathetic about life. I didn't care about waking up and I felt like I'm just living a hollow existence. I felt like I was a dot on the horizon of life. No uniqueness. Just another damn fish in a massive f**king pond. i didn't care to pursue my musical passion. I didn't care about playing Guitar Hero. I didn't care about my friends. I didn't care about my life. This all may sound very over-exaggerated, but it's the truth
After that little episode I've started listening my classic metal again. A big smile grew on my face as I listened to wondrous guitar solo's and marvelous drumming. It was like life made sense again. My world wasn't an upside down fairytale with no happy ending in sight anymore. The lyrics touched my heart. There was a light for me.
Okay enough of the sappy sh*t let me give you cold hard facts. Lets look at extracts of lyrics from 2 heavy hitters in both the mainstream and metal world. Metallica and Justin Bieber (ugh)
Justin Bieber's "Baby":
My first love broke my heart for the first time,And I was likeBaby, baby, baby ohhhLike baby, baby, baby nooLike baby, baby, baby ohhI thought you'd always be mine mine
Analysis : Well basically he is talking about a girl that broke up with him and he thought she will always be his first and only love. Coupled by the word baby 9 times
Metallica's Dyers Eve:
Dear MotherDear FatherEvery Thought I'd Think You'd DisapproveCuratorDictatorAlways Censoring My Every MoveChildren Are Seen But Are Not HeardTear out Everything Inspired
Analysis: James Hatfield's mother and father were Christian Scientists. Their belief obligated that everything must be in order and anything from the outside is considered a sin and evil. Even medicine which his mother needed dearly was not appropriate. His hate for his parents grew over the course of his childhood because he was always being watched by them and living in the hypothetical bubble. Hence the word "Dictator". The lyric "Always Censoring My Every Move" suggests that he couldn't do anything of his own accord and everything he wanted to do was considered by his parents as a sin. "Tearing Everything Inspired" suggests that everything that inspired him (Music) was also rejected by his parents.
Okay so I wrote 2 lines for JB's lyric and 6 for Metallica's. Who is better? Thought so
Also on a side note. James Hatfield's lyrics are studied by English majors in certain universities. And Justin Bieber? He's hair is getting studied by 12 year old girls
Hip Hop from the Twats is so simplistic and repetitive that it's not even funny anymore. There is no lyrical substance to expand my mind to. Sadly we live in a world where metal music is considered Taboo by the majority. Radio stations, Television, music stores, films. Everything rejected the majesty that is on offer by the genre.I walked into a music store and to my surprise they actually had a metal section. The width of the display was about 6 CD's across and had about 3 rows. 18 Cd's. Meanwhile right next to the display, the Hip Hop section had about 100 cd's on display. Confirming that my people and I are a dying breed.
I once knew a dude who listened to mainstream his entire life. We played Rock Band on a regular basis and I always picked metal songs to play. At first he rejected everything about it. Brushed it off as "Satanic" and stupid. He didn't have a choice but to play it as I ruled the song picking duty (LOL). After a while he started listening the lyrics and came to the understanding that there is actually a marvelous beauty to the music. He begged me to burn him copies of my metal collection and I was obliged to give it to him. These days he is a big metal head and never listens to the shite he listened before.
Now my last point. Give me one Hip Hop song that was considered a classic. I'm talking about when the song comes up people would say " damn this song rules" rather than " tis sht iz old u shud get da new album by X...lolololol". if you ask me to give you a Metal/Rock song that is classic I would be on stand-by with my 20 page list.
I'm not saying leave the mainstream circuit completely. We all have different musical taste, but give the Metal/Rock metal genre a try rather than being forced to listen to shit that is pointless because "thats what everybody does". I've given Hip Hop a try (forced not at will) and I can truly and honestly say's utter rubbish. I've given other genres a try and I can safely said I've came to love Jazz, Grunge and some Electronica
One more thing. Who the f**k listens to this shit on their earphones when you hear it every f**king 5 minutes anyway.
Peace out and I hope my Metal brothers and sisters keep defending the faith
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