Has anyone else noticed this but me? I'm talking about when you say something people find it so bloody offensive that they never talk to you or hate you with their entire soul. It's been a passive attribute to our world and frankly it pisses me off.
As with all my other posts, I now give the obligatory examples. I'm fat, don't try to sugar coat me and say crap you don't mean (i.e. "It only matters what's on the inside, no-one cares about how you look" [go to hell] ) People try to mock me about it to look cool and boost their pitiful self-confidence and guess what I do? Make fun of myself so that it blows in their face and I laugh my ass off with the people he tried to impress.
Now if another fat person gets the exact same mocking they take massive offense and go crying in the corner, tell their mom, write in their diary about how their life sucks and open a class-action lawsuit against the offender. Which is gay. Preposterously stupid and unnecessary.
Same with racism. If you say something even remotely relating to the color of their skin, it's a direct insult from the 100th ring of hell. I even see it in teenagers. They weren't around in apartheid days (neither have I), we have no grudges or buried hatred for each other. If someone called me a vanilla face I'd laugh my ass off.
Another factor which gnaws my goolies is when I accidentally swear in front of a girl. Massive pissy fit followed by an arm folded walk of pissed off fail. So I swear a little and the following weekend you make out with a complete douche bag of epic proportions and suddenly I'm the one with no respect. F**k off.
Things that are brilliant i.e. shows, games, movies, books etc. get either censored or restricted because of what? Moaning Martha can't handle the fact that a tidal wave plunged an island and by coincidence her husband died of a swell the size of a Pritt stick while he was drunk on acid? Now us unoffended people, who outnumber them 2000 to 3 billion have to miss a brilliant movie containing about a 10 second reference to a tidal wave.
As well as the age old violent games debate. Us gamers have all heard it. For example the infamous GTA franchise allows you to bang hookers and the like and "that is massively offensive to our children and what if they shoot their dad in the face and rape their mother with a chainsaw lolololol". Um.. which parent gives their 12 year old child permission to play a 18+ game in the first place? Parental epic fail.
I might come across as the one that is easily offended (you intellectual people would have had your 1000 word essays ready by this time explaining that), but I'm the opposite of that. I'm extremely pitiful to the naive fools that take offense in everything for no bloody reason and it irritates me.
That is all.
By the way...you suck. No offense
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