As of right now I've played Halo Reach for about 8 hours. I will now give a detailed analysis of how I think it's performing so far.
When I started the Campaign I thought f**k it and started on Legendary on my own. Hell did that bite me in the ass. The difficulty is ungodly hard and frustrating at times. The weapons just don't work on the bastards. I go out for 2 seconds, get 2 headshot rounds with a DRM on a Elite before being crippled and man raped by grunts of all things.
Those guys that brag and say " o dat waz eazy... got it in a day lolololol" are fucking lying. I can't count how many times I had to reload because some Elite surprised me around a corner and kicked my bolloks in. The weapons are pretty much useless against them and you die so quick you can swear your character is made out of 1 ply toilet paper held together by spit.
BUT in the end it comes down to basic trial and error and after some attempts you know exactly where to go and so on. I'm at the 5th mission and I got to that in about 4 hours. Which is not bad at all considering I haven't played Halo in almost a year..
The other 4 hours or so I've spent on Multiplayer and damn is it fun. Even running on iBurst I won 5 of the 6 games I played which is brilliant. I still need to discover all the various modes and so forth, so I think it will only get better and if I can play with some locals it would rule completely.
What pisses me off is that I wasn't able to get this on release day because now everyone is going back to their regular gaming titles and now I'm all alone again. Pretty much sums up my f**king gamer life so far. I always get major MP titles late and when I eventually do I'm massively weak or I have some major catching up to do.
Overall this game makes want to have a gamerasm because it does things right in all my favorite areas. I LOVE customization, check. I LOVE point based ranking system, check. I LOVE addictive multiplayer with a lot of people online, check.
That is all. Feel free to invite me for a game @ MG THABO
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