Sunday, April 15, 2012


As I gaze upon the disgrace of man I seem to think of the past. Friendships, lovers, poets and priests all tried to bring me into their world of hate. I refused this opposition with the valour and strength of an innocent being. There was always a convoluted void of emotions in my web of surpassed tributes and tribulations. Is it so hard to envision a true and just cause that we look down on the unworthy and dismiss the probability that light can in fact exist in darkness?

I once saw you as a friend. Someone I could trust with my demons and worships. But you stepped into another realm of your own imagination and values. Do you truly believe that your happiness is more important than the promises you meant to keep. This is why you are where you are, bound for life in to an unjust cause you have made for yourself. Did you truly believe your faults can be rectified with reason. 

I stood upon this stage of life too many times that the words are of a familiar nature to me. Did I ever feel betrayal. Not until someone showed me. Did I ever think there's hope. Not until someone called me. Retaliate me into your thoughts before making me your slave. Fulfil your need before you are empty. You are empty. Did I ever feel pain. Not until you broke me. 

As the curtains closed I held unto my only salvation. Light throws itself into my arms, expecting the unconstitutional cooperation which holds in such benevolence. I've lost my beliefs, rendered unto power and threats, still emerged free. I've lost my innocence, only to gain knowledge of lost feelings. I've gained an ally, only person I can truly have faith.


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