Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cuddles and Stupidity


Every human wants love. Well barring the obvious psychopaths, misanthropes, brain dead patients and politicians. It's in our nature to have the want to be cared for and appreciated, but can that go too far? Yes, it fucking can.

I'm going to say it flat and uncensored. Love can ruin people, ruin lives, ruin trust, ruin faith, ruin everything that's good in the world. It can be used as an instrument of utter destruction that the fallout can damage even the most brave of us all.

Look, I'm not some cold-hearted asshole who is incapable of love. I've loved many people over my years, but I can recognize when I'm going to far. When I'm doing more damage than good. I know quite a few couples that outright destroy people's lives for the sake of their pointless fucking communion.

Sure, if you don't fuck up.
I'm going to take this on at the core. We are being brainwashed by the mainstream perceptions of love. You see it fucking everywhere. Movies, books, advertisements, TV-shows, video games even. We are becoming stuck in idiotic traditions that just get relentlessly consumed by most people. I give an example. New girlfriends expect their boyfriends to talk to them at all times. Why? Why is it necessary to keep tabs on your lover every waking moment of their now pathetic lives? Isn't there even a shred of trust or even basic respect to allow them to do stuff they like doing? "No you can't go to the LAN we must spend time together!!" "But we were together the entire week" "I don't care!". Pretty fucking weak if you ask me.

The effect of this phenomenon is that girls unwillingly expect that their lover must be this charming, respectful, sweet, compassionate person and suddenly get disappointed when they can't find someone that lives up to their expectations that were set by some love-sick screenwriter. Those type of guys actually exist you know. They're just stuck in the fucking FRIENDZONE. It's actually all about looks, but I'll get to that later.

Welcome to civilisation. We are that pathetic. 
Don't even get me started how irritating these clingy couples can get. You know what? Fuck it, I'll get started. If I have absolutely nothing to do with your relationship then please just leave the inane lovey dovey bullshit out of my life and leave me in peace. Nothing grinds my balls more than some girl going on and on and on about her stupid douchebag boyfriend. Explaining every fucking moment in vivid and excruciating detail. No one gives a fuck. Please just stop.

It's cool to be happy about your relationship, but please it's not necessary to shove it down everyone's throat. I had a girlfriend once that was almost destined to be my bloody soulmate we loved each other so much (Got separated by distance in the end, meh) I didn't even change my Facebook relationship status. I wrote a few poems about her and told my friends we were going out ONCE. Instead of essentially screaming in everyone's ear about it, I wrote poems FOR her. Told her I loved her and appreciate her in private. She gave me my space and I gave her's. We were happy. Why can't it be like that?

I may come across as bitter and I'll explain why. In my early teen year I fell in love with a myriad of girls. I tried my best to get them to love me, but without any luck. They told me that I'm sweet, caring, respectful etc. but I didn't get anywhere still.  Then in 90% of cases they went out with guys I know are a total waste of human potential (douchebags). I wasn't ignorant, I KNEW they were ass faces. I started questioning myself profusely. What am I doing wrong? Why doesn't she like me? What's wrong with me? I started getting obsessed about my self-image then the truth hit me right in the face. I'm ugly. Straight. Those douchebags who keep stealing my girls LOOK GOOD. That ruined my life for the most of my adolescence. I was shy, bitter, hateful and it wasn't my fault. I drove more girls off because I couldn't communicate correctly and just turned disrespectful. I was swearing and saying offensive shit because I was just so hateful and full of contempt.

It's about looks. Both genders are guilty of it. I admit that I even thought a sweet girl is ugly and I wouldn't want to date her. My standards aren't as high as most guys, but it's still there. Go on all you like about how you "only go for personality" you're just lying to yourself.

Love is a beautiful thing actually. I'm talking about the sincere kind, not the kind where you want to prove something or just did it because you're horny and you can't resist the primal urge to fuck. No matter what the consequences may be. Wake up and love for the right reasons and don't lie to yourself. Don't hurt people and consider what you're doing.

That is all, my left hand is waiting for me.

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